The Soulful Creative Policies
Website Privacy Policy
I will NEVER share your email or information with ANYONE
Terms of Service
Products or Original Art work will ship within 1-2 weeks
Return Policy
No Returns for On-Line Classes
No Returns for Art originals or products
If a product is damaged I will reimburse or offer another product to replace it.
Retreat Policies
Covid-19 Safety Policy
We expect all participants to use their best judgement on supporting a healthy retreat. If you are sick, please let the organizers know ASAP. Masks are optional at all activities.
We also are responsible to comply with our host facility policies including the Horseshoe Farm covid-19 response and their facility policies
Code of Conduct
This policy is in place for the safety of all participants and organizers. We hope to foster an environment where everyone behaves respectfully and appropriately at all times. Adherence to the rules allows us to provide a restorative and safe retreat for everyone.
Violations of these policies or codes, as listed below, can result in immediate dismissal without refund and to participant’s expense at the organizers’ discretion.
Unacceptable behavior includes:
Verbal harassment, especially when it reinforces social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity, and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, theological perspective, relationship status (polyamory, monogamy, singleness).
Deliberate intimidation, bullying and or stalking, and any other behavior which is likely to cause alarm or distress to a reasonable person.
Unwanted photography or recording. Consent is an important part of creating a safe space.
Sustained disruption of talks or other events (including through intoxication of alcohol and/or drugs).
Inappropriate or unwanted physical contact, this includes any form of physical touch. Always seek consent when initiating any physical contact with another person.
Unwelcome sexual or other personal attention.
Theft or extortion including by deception.
Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.