I hope 2024 is going well for you so far
I have decided to rename January, Dreamuary!
Why not take a whole month to dream, wonder and wander? Instead of jumping into the new year with all our goals & plans on self improvement and changing our lives etc.. It really doesn't make much sense to be expending tons of energy while it's still the coldest and darkest time of year here in the Western Hemisphere.
Being dedicated to living a Soulful Creative life, I'm always looking to Nature and her cycles as a benevolent guide. Choosing to lean into the Seasons leads me to feeling more aligned with my own landscape and more in tune with my creative cycle.
Nature is conserving her energy deep underground and I think that's an invitation for us to do the same.
I find when I do take the time to rest and restore at this time of year I have much more energy & stamina in the Springtime!
Dream Time means
Deep Listening…
and taking time to rest & restore our body, mind and spirit. Here are a few practices that I have found soothing helpful!
Pay close attention to actual dreams~keep a journal by your bedside so you can jot down key things when you wake up too you don't forget
Allow for spaciousness~ in your daily round to just sit and Be. Make a comfy nest on the floor with blankets and pillows or cozy up in your favorite chair and gaze off into space or out the window while sipping a warm cup of somethings nourishing
Listen to Music~ Try just closing your eyes while listening to the music. You can Find my soothing guitar play list HERE
Sound Bath More info on that HERE
Making a Vision Board- see my 2024 one below!
Free Writing~Start the process of journaling with free writing. If you are unsure what that means follow this link HERE and read the description. Give yourself about 20 minutes if you can but you can do a longer stretch or ever commit to a daily practice for 5,10, 20 or 30 days.
Line Drawing~ Last but not least I invite you to try my favorite creative practice! This is so grounding & soothes the nervous system while tapping into the subconscious (dream space) I also love it because you don't need any fancy supplies, some newsprint or drawing paper (18x24) is what I like to use and a black pen or marker.
I start each drawing with my eyes closed. Feeling into the moment and becoming fully present I begin to move my pen around without thinking; just feeling and sensing my way. The movement really comes from a deep place in my body, not just my hand. When I feel the energy dissipate I open my eyes to see what's there. I LOVE this part it feels like magic. I will sometimes add lines or words or a moon, whatever feels right.
Many of my art pieces like the one up top & below come from this deeper place, maybe thats why I LOVE it so much!
Daydreaming, spacing out or whatever you want to call it is an essential part of the creative process.
I strongly believe allowing space for dreamtime prevents burn out and keeps a creative practice fresh & healthy!