Wisdom For Your Journey
My 2023 Vision Mandala
Wow! Its 2023 and it’s off to a nice slooooowww start :) That’s the way it should be right? This time of year can seem so out of sync b/c even though its the coldest, darkest time of our year here in the Northern Hemisphere our culture and goal driven patriarchal society tells us we should be fresh, energized, focused and ready to begin tackling big life goals and changing old habits!
For me setting an intention seems much more aligned with this season, a more gentle heart centered way to begin the new year with out setting ourselves up for disapointment, frustration and exhaustion.
That’s why I really love sharing this creative practice of setting intentions, visualizing, and using imagery to manifest changes in our lives!
An Intention can be a simple phrase that reminds us and aligns us with a course of action. They are like seeds of our dreams wishes and hopes. They ask us what we want to shift, change or expand on. I often begin creating intentions by writing words that seem to make the most sense for what I and trying to manifest or list the words that feel powerful-
Visualizing helps prepare the mind and body for action- to be aware of opportunities as they arise. When we are visualizing we want to dial in to the intention by connecting to the emotions, feelings and sensations of what it holds for us. This is an embodiment practice. To make our intentions more potent we can practice visualization (watering the seeds) use affirmations (adding sunlight) utilizing imagery (Fertilize) We sometimes may need to adjust an tweak our intention but we have a course a path thats there-Working with imagery never ceases to amaze me- it seems to opens portals and shows us the fertile ground where the seeds of our imagination can flourish.
This year I decided to incorporate my love for mandalas and work on a wooden board. I also thought how fun it would be to use the SoullCollage I AM ONE WHO prompt to gain more wisdom from the imagery and of course magic happened
I was blown away by the 6 lovely ladies that came to the studio this past Sunday They were very brave,(whenever we take time out for Soul work and ask ourselves what we want we are being brave!) They went deep and discovered what they really, really wanted for themselves this year -Ultimatley they left here with Wisdom For Their Journey!
Did you make a Vision Board this year? Do you choose a word for the year? if so how does this help you? I would love to hear what. your practices or traditions are! please leave a comment below :)
lovely ladies in the Soulful Creative Studio :)